ONly about Material Management

My SAP MM Certification Experience

The guidelines:

Criteria to applying for a Certification without Prerequisites:

"All candidates registering for the SAP Certification Test must ensure that they have at least 2 years SAP implementation experience or have attended at least 15 days of relevant training in SAP. Proof of the above must be presented upon registration."

Proof can be given in the following ways:

1. A statement from the Project Manager on letterhead indicating participant's experience or training.
2. A resume
3. Certificate of Attendance from the various SAP courses attended.


- Candidates must meet criteria mentioned
- Certification enrolment must accompany payment (credit card details preferred) before registration will be processed
- Once payment is received and confirmation provided, cancellation (i.e amendment to dates) is not permitted

Here is a link to check dates of certification: -> type in tacert

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- Click on "SAP Consultant Certification"
- Select your relevant certification area

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- Select Registration
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The exam:

1) The examination questions are grouped together on topic-wise and evaluated accordingly. You can see at the beginning of the first book some plus marks against each topic. So don't treat the questions as 57 right answers out of 80. For example from "solution manager" two or three questions will be there but it is a topic i.e. if you answer all the questions out of it you will get 100% in that topic. All the topics are evaluated separately and the overall is taken as the final result. Check with your tutor or someone for more awareness.

2) Decimal marks will be there and marks will be given proportionately for the questions you attend. No negative marks.

3) For single answer type, there will be only radio buttons so that you can select only one.

4) For multiple answer (where more than one answer is correct) type, against each statement (answer) there will be two buttons for true and false so that you can (have to) select one.

5) Read and be familiar with the books as much as possible. Group discussions will be very much useful.

6) Once you attend th exam, you will find it easier than you expected.

Prepare well, be relaxed, best of luck.

The Do and Don't

Don't look for dumps as you will find none in whole world .Go by each word , sentences and get familiar of all the screen that comes while doing excercise.

SAP certification is not like microsfot or CISCO certifications where one can easily get the dumps.

You need to complete the chapter end exercises thoroughly at least you expect 7 - 10 questions in your certification exams .

Purchasing II books carries 30 questions in certification.

Read all the 4 books at least 4-6 times at least not less then that .

Don't concentrate much on week end exams.

Solution Manager you can leave ... only 1 - 2 questions out of that .

Don't loose patience as you will tend to feel that you don't know anything as exam dates get closer, feel free and relax and sleep at least for 10 hours before exam .

SAP Material Management MCQ

Q.Which of the following stock types can be counted through Physical Inventory procedure?
(more than one answer can be correct)

A Unrestricted use stock.
B Block stock.
C Quality Inspection stock.
D Vendor consignment stock.
E In-transit stock.

Answer - A,B,C,D

Q.Which of the following can possibly influence the valuation price of a moving average priced material?
(more than one answer can be correct)

A Goods receipt for a purchase order.
B Goods Issue to a cost centre.
C Invoice verification against a purchase order.
D Stock transfer between two storage locations in the same plant.
E Transfer posting from unrestricted use stock to quality inspection.

Answer - A,C

Q.In the SAP system a user can operate in the following hierarchies.
(more than one answer can be correct)

A Service level.
B Application level.
C Main menu level.
D Month.
E Total stock value.

Answer - D, E

Q.Your planning department is using a Forecast Model for materials planning. It has been established that while demand for the particular material is projected to increase steadily as market share is increased, the fluctuating tourist demand will affect the overall requirements. Which forecast model will best address this requirement?
(Only one answer is correct)

A The Constant model.
B The Constant trend model.
C The Seasonal trend model.
D The Fluctuating trend model.
E The Seasonal model.

Answer - C

Q.In the SAP system, the reference document used in the purchasing cycle is the:
(Only one answer is correct)

A Purchase requisition.
B Info record.
C Source list.
D Purchase Order.
E None of the above.

Answer - D

True / False

Q.What purpose does invoice verification serve in materials management?

a It allows invoice that do not originate in materials procurement to be processed.
b Completes the materials procurement process
c Handles the payment
d Allows credit memos to be processed
e Handles the analyses of invoices.

Answer - B

Q.What are the tasks of invoice verification?

a Entering invoices and credit memos received.
b Checking the accuracy of invoices
c Executing the account posting resulting from invoice
d Updating open items and material prices
e Checking invoices that were blocked.

Answer - A,B,C,E

Q.What is the process of invoice verification?

a Purchase order, service or GR referenced for incoming invoice.
b Invoice items suggested by the system against referenced document
c Corresponding automatic account postings carried out.
d Payment proposal list for vendor generated.

Answer - A

Q.From where does the system pick the default quantity of an item when you post invoice receipt?
a Invoice
b Purchase order
c Purchase order history
d System settings
e Vendor master

Answer - C

Q.During invoice verification the system picks the rate at which tax is calculated from the vendor master record.


Answer - False .

General Test of SAP MM Knowledge

1. What transaction key is used to post a valuated goods receipt for purchase order items not subject to account assignment?

2. What is value string WA01 defined for?
a Goods receipt of standard and subcontracting purchase order items without account assignment concerning valuated material into stock.
b Deliveries without charge
c Goods issues
d Other goods receipts

3. Which value string is defined for Goods receipt of standard and subcontracting purchase order items without account assignment concerning valuated material into stock?
a WE01
b WA14
c WA01

4. Which valuation string is used for Delivery without charge for material subject to standard price control, with posting date in the previous period and the standard price in the posting period is different to the standard price in the current period?
a WE01
b WA14
c WA01

5. What is the key for account determination that enables a G/L account assignment differentiation for the offsetting entry for an inventory posting?
a Valuation grouping code
b Chart of accounts
c Account grouping
d Valuation class

6. For which transaction key in materials Management in the standard system is account grouping active?

7. For which transactions can you change the account grouping?
a Invoice verification
b Inventory Management.

8. The rules that you use to define if the configuration of automatic posting for a posting transaction depends on which of the influencing factors?
a Valuation Group code
b Material/material type
c Account grouping
d Chart of accounts
e Valuation class

9. From where do the transaction keys for delivery cost postings come?
a Purchasing calculation schema
b Value string

10. What does the system use for the account assignment category to determine the default account?
a Transaction key PRD
b Transaction key GBB
c Valuation group code
d Account grouping
e Valuation class

11. What are the characteristics of a Document type for Accounting documents?
a Two character alphanumeric code
b One number range per document
c Cannot assign authorization group
d Determines whether net posting is determined for the documents.
e Account types that may be used with the document type may be selected when entering documents.

12. What are the features of number assignment for accounting documents from MM?
a Configured for each company code
b Always linked to the fiscal year
c Numbers assigned without gaps
d Defines whether number assignment is external or internal
e The interval from which the number is assigned.

13. The rules that you use to define if the configuration of automatic posting for a posting transaction depends on which of the influencing factors?
a Valuation Group code
b Material/material type
c Account grouping
d Chart of accounts
e Valuation class

14. From where do the transaction keys for delivery cost postings come?
a Purchasing calculation schema
b Value string

15. What does the system use for the account assignment category to determine the default account?
a Transaction key PRD
b Transaction key GBB
c Valuation group code
d Account grouping
e Valuation class

16. What are the characteristics of a Document type for Accounting documents?
a Two character alphanumeric code
b One number range per document
c Cannot assign authorization group
d Determines whether net posting is determined for the documents.
e Account types that may be used with the document type may be selected when entering documents.

17. What are the features of number assignment for accounting documents from MM?
a Configured for each company code
b Always linked to the fiscal year
c Numbers assigned without gaps
d Defines whether number assignment is external or internal
e The interval from which the number is assigned.

1. a
2. c, d
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. b
8. a, c,e
9. a
10. b, d
11. a, b, d, e
12. a, c, d, e
13. a, c, e
14. a
15. b, c
16. a, b, d, e
17. a, c, d, e

MM Self Test Questions

1. To view the most up to date planning data (available stock, orders, reservations, etc.) on a material, use the:

(more than one answer can be correct)
A Stock Overview report.
B List display of material and accounting documents.
C MRP list.
D Stock Requirement list.
E Standard Analysis for a material

2. A material forecast can be used by the following MRP types:
(Only one answer is correct)
A Manual Reorder point planning.
B Automatic reorder point planning.
C Forecast based planning.check
D Time phased planning.
E Storage location MRP

3. Materials planning can be set to automatically generate:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Contracts.
B Purchase Requisitions.
C Purchase Orders.
D Planned Orders.
E Delivery Schedules.

4. The following are lot sizing rules available for SAP R/3:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Fixed lot size.
B Replenish to maximum stock level.
C Weekly lot size.
D Daily lot size.
E Economic order quantity.

5. Which of the following apply to Purchase Orders?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A The vendor must be specified in the Purchase Order Header.
B All materials on a purchase order must be procured through the same purchasing group.
C All materials on a purchase order must be of the same material group.
D Discounts and surcharges can be maintained in the document header.
E Discounts and surcharges can be maintained at line item level.

6. Which of the following is an Account Assignment category?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Material Group.
B Purchase Requisition.
C Sales Order.
D Release Code.
E G/L Account

7. Which of the following are Item Categories?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Consignment.
B Service.
C Manufacturing.
D Cost Centre.
E Subcontracting.

8. Which of the following documents can be subject to release (approval) procedure?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Planned Order.
B Purchase Requisition.
C Scheduling Agreement.
D Purchase Order.

9. In Source lists the following can be sources of supply:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Vendor.
B Contract.
C Scheduling Agreement.
D Quotation.
E Quota Arrangement.

10. Which of the following document types can appear in the purchase order history for a purchase order line item?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Another purchase order.
B A goods receipt material document.
C A service entry sheet.
D An invoice.
E A release procedure.

1. Answer - D
2. Answer - C
3. Answer - B, E
4. Answer - A, B, C, D
5. Answer - A, D, E
6. Answer - C
7. Answer - A, B, E
8. Answer - B, C, D
9. Answer - A, B, C, E
10. Answer - B, C, D

Certification Sample Questions

SAP MM Certification Sample Questions

Caution: more than one answer may be correct.
Please mark ALL correct answers.

You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take delivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage of the discount arrangement?

A Enter several order items with the same material number and different delivery dates
B Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material to different accounts
C Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of schedule lines
D Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify different delivery dates

In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a purchase order unit that differs from the purchase order unit. What is the significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note of in the case of a goods receipts?

A The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or purchasing info record and defines the unit of
measure in which the material is ordered.
B The system establishes the relationship between the purchase order price unit and the purchase order unit conversion
in the purchase order.
C At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order unit and the quantity in the purchase order price
unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in purchase order pice unit is calculated by the system. You have to
change it when the calculated quantity differs from reality.
D Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.

You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On , only 0.000 pieces are available". What do you conclude from this?

A. No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
B. Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks of the material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
C. The material exist in the specified storage location on the current day, however, it is unavailable, because of other
D. The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the ENTER key.

Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material type NLAG are correct?

A. The purchase order must be acount assigned.
B. The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.
C. when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignement as long as the goods receipt was unvaluated.
D. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Acccounting.

Which of the following stock transfer are relevant to valuation?

A. Stock transfer from storage location to storage location in the same plant or company code.
B. Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.
C. Stock transfer from stock in quality inspection in storage location 001 to stock in quality inspection in storage
location 0002 in the same plant.
D. Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001 to plant 0002. The plants belong to
the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation level is plant).

Answers for SAP MM Certification Sample Question

How can you store long-term prices for services in the form of service conditions?

Answer 1 At the service level
Answer 2 At the service and plant level
Answer 3 At the service and vendor level
Answer 4 At the service, vendor and plant level

Answer 1 ,3 and 4 , Long term prices can be maintained at Service level, Service and Vendor level or Service, Vendor and Plant level.

What would you evaluate if you want to trace whether your purchase requisition items have been processed?

Answer 1 Material status
Answer 2 Processing status
Answer 3 Item Status

Answer No. 2: Processing status