ONly about Material Management

SAP MM Support Problem Solution

Is it possible to maintain the same material master with same code in all plants in a company. Our client is using same materials in all their four plants?

Material numbers are always maintained at Company code level. If you look at the Material master data, some data is maintained at Company code level, some at Plant level and some at Storage location level. If you have all the 4 plants attached to one company code, they should have the same material number. What you need to do is to extend the material to all the 4 plants if thats your requirement. Also, if you have your valuation area as your Plant, then you have the flexibility to maintain Plant specific pricing for the same material.

You can use MM01 T code to copy material from old plant to new plant. But check for the required details in your new plant and make changes accordingly.

Where we do the configuration for the cost centre allocation, because whenever we GR a material, accounting document is created for that particular material. How that particular material go in to the particular accounting (G/L account)

In Tcode: OBYC -- Automatic Postings.

for Inventory Posting Trns Key is: BSX
for Off setting entries like Goods issue, initial stock......Trans Key is : GBB

Based on the Movement types, Valuation class it will be assigned to a G/L account.
You can refer the configuration in Tcode: OBYC

Could any one can explain complete configuration of pricing procedure & application.

The Basic thing is Condition Technique. In which there are

1. Access Sequence 2. Condition Record 3. Condition Type 4. Condition Table.

A Access Sequence access a Condition Record of a Condition Type in a Condition Table is a Condition Technique.This is a simple logic

Here the Condition Type is very important like PB00, PBXX,RA01 etc.
In the background every Condition Type has its own defition means the purpose of the Condition Type like, is it for Pricing or Percentage, Quntity base, Accrual Feilds etc is to be defined to work this functions. Normally we use the existing ones without any risk. But some cases, we have to Create a New Condition Types as per the organisation requirement.

The Pricing Schema is useful to minimise condition types while mention prices for Vendor on the basis of Pricing Schema which we defined according to organisation requirement.

The Pricing Schema means the calculations procedure of Condition Type.

Ex. RA01 - Discoount % is caclulated on PB00 - Gross Price means RA01 is based on PB00 like that we have to define in the Pricing Schema which makes easy to use in real time. Here PB00 has the Access Sequence - 0002. But RA01 does not have the Access Sequence.Why because it is a dependent on PB00. But both are Condition Types.

In the system, by default some standard Scheme will be there at Vendor Schema Group in the Vendor Master Screen means the standard one is assigned which is very lengthy which may fullfil our requirement. But some cases which may not fullfil our requirement, in such we have to define.

For the configuration, I may not able to explain properly through here but will give some idea.

Configuration: SPRO - IMG - Material Management - Purchasing - Conditions - Define Price

Deternmination Process:

1. Define Access Sequence

2. Define Condition Type

3. Defince Calculation Schema:- Here you have to define the Schema

- Define Schema group

1. Define Schema Group vendor

2. Define Pricing Schema group

3. Schema group for Purchase Organisation

4. Assign Schema group to Purchase Organisation - Define Schema determination
1.define calculation schema for Standard purchase organisation

After completion of the Schema Group, we have to assign it to Vendors. Then whenever we use any transaction with this Vendor, the concerned Schema will work as configured by us.

The Pricing in MM is vast because each Condition have its own importance and each Access Sequence have its own importance. So you need not bother about this. First you learn how to define the Calculation Schema through the above.

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